
Papers, or sets of papers, with written or printed information and/or computer files in which text is stored.

Items in this category should have relevant provenance to films, agents or the industry.

Fair Good Best practice
Unique Identifier/Item no. Unique Identifier/Item no. Unique Identifier/Item no.
Object name (e.g. "documents") Object name (e.g. "documents") Object name (e.g. "documents")
- Audio
- Collections
- Correspondence
- Diaries
- Documents concerning archive holder's own activities
- Financial documents
- Legal documents (concerning own productions etc)
- Notebooks
- Own works
- Personal documents
- Photographs
- Press clippings
- Scripts
- Video
- etc.
- Applications
- Aquisition agreements
- Censorship certificates
- Deposition agreements
- Donation agreements
- Permits
- Ratings
- Rights agreements
- etc.
Letter collection
- Cue sheets
- Film scores
- Photoplay music
- Sheet music
- Song books
- Soundtrack listings
- etc.
- Audio
- Collections
- Correspondence
- Diaries
- Documents concerning archive holder's own activities
- Financial documents
- Legal documents (concerning own productions etc)
- Notebooks
- Own works
- Personal documents
- Photographs
- Press clippings
- Scripts
- Video
- etc.
- Digitization reports
- Preservation reports
- Production notes
- etc.
Research files
- Blueprints
- Fire safety inspections
- Instructions
- Manuals
- Technical drawings
- etc.
- Audio
- Collections
- Correspondence
- Diaries
- Documents concerning archive holder's own activities
- Financial documents
- Legal documents (concerning own productions etc)
- Notebooks
- Own works
- Personal documents
- Photographs
- Press clippings
- Scripts
- Video
- etc.
- Applications
- Aquisition agreements
- Censorship certificates
- Deposition agreements
- Donation agreements
- Permits
- Ratings
- Rights agreements
- etc.
Letter collection
- Cue sheets
- Film scores
- Photoplay music
- Sheet music
- Song books
- Soundtrack listings
- etc.
- Audio
- Collections
- Correspondence
- Diaries
- Documents concerning archive holder's own activities
- Financial documents
- Legal documents (concerning own productions etc)
- Notebooks
- Own works
- Personal documents
- Photographs
- Press clippings
- Scripts
- Video
- etc.
- Digitization reports
- Preservation reports
- Production notes
- etc.
Research files
- Blueprints
- Fire safety inspections
- Instructions
- Manuals
- Technical drawings
- etc.
- Audio
- Collections
- Correspondence
- Diaries
- Documents concerning archive holder's own activities
- Financial documents
- Legal documents (concerning own productions etc)
- Notebooks
- Own works
- Personal documents
- Photographs
- Press clippings
- Scripts
- Video
- etc.
- Applications
- Aquisition agreements
- Censorship certificates
- Deposition agreements
- Donation agreements
- Permits
- Ratings
- Rights agreements
- etc.
Letter collection
- Cue sheets
- Film scores
- Photoplay music
- Sheet music
- Song books
- Soundtrack listings
- etc.
- Audio
- Collections
- Correspondence
- Diaries
- Documents concerning archive holder's own activities
- Financial documents
- Legal documents (concerning own productions etc)
- Notebooks
- Own works
- Personal documents
- Photographs
- Press clippings
- Scripts
- Video
- etc.
- Digitization reports
- Preservation reports
- Production notes
- etc.
Research files
- Blueprints
- Fire safety inspections
- Instructions
- Manuals
- Technical drawings
- etc.
Form (analog/digital) Form (analog/digital) Form (analog/digital)
Archive holder Archive holder Media reference (images/scans)
Extent (Number on boxes etc.) Object description (e.g. "employment certificate, April 3, 1947") Archive holder
Location/call number Date Link/reference to cinematographic work (when applicable)
Extent (Number on boxes etc.) Link/reference to person (when applicable)
Number of pages Link/reference to corporate body (when applicable)
Access (e.g. "Only for research purposes") Link/reference to organisation (when applicable)
Location/call number Link/reference to event (when applicable)
Title (as written on object)
Object description (e.g. "employment certificate")
Rights holder(s) (when applicable)
Extent (Number on boxes etc.)
Number of pages
Dimension (actual measurements)
Cross references to other archives/collections
Access rules (e.g. "Only for research purposes")
Description of physical condition
Location/call number
